Did you know? Holding or playing with gadgets too often while on holiday can actually make you unable to enjoy the moment. You can’t feel free vibes in tourist destinations that you visit or interact with people who become your holiday friends.
If you have ever experienced this, you need to do this activity now traveling. It’s called digital detox, which is the act of removing oneself from gadgets, such as cellphones, computers, etc tabs, to make the most of your time, enjoy life, and get to know your surroundings and yourself. This activity allows you to be more connected with the people closest to you, focus on your hobbies, and experience nature traveling outdoors.
So, how do you ensure that digital detox can run smoothly? traveling and you’re not easily distracted? Check out the following tips, Superfriends.
Let the people closest to you know if you’re offline
My heart intended to do a digital detox, but instead I got it chat away from people. Yup, situations like that are really annoying, Bro. To avoid this, you can tell the people closest to you that you are back offline and will slow response during traveling. Apart from that, you can also put a profile photo and a status that says ‘offline’ or ‘on leave’ so you don’t have to search for it.
Turn off Notifications
Let people know if it’s coming again offline It’s just not enough to keep you calm during your digital detox, Superfriends. You can turn off notifications so that annoying sounds don’t appear, be it notifications chat or other applications. If you don’t want the hassle, you can also turn off cellular data so you can’t receive notifications from any applications.
Use Manual Tools
If you want to stay away from gadgets, you can use manual tools to meet your needs while you’re at it traveling. For example, use a camera to take photos and record videos and record all important information about the trip in a notebook. If you need directions, you can ask local residents. That way, your trip will be gadget-free.
Make clear rules
During a digital detox, you have to make clear rules for yourself about using gadgets. For example, your cellphone can only be used for taking photos, recording videos and viewing maps. Apart from that, set a time when you can reply chat from people, such as at night before going to bed or in the morning before leaving for a tourist destination. You can adjust these rules to suit your current needs traveling.
Go to tourist destinations that have difficulty getting a signal
One challenge that you might try during a digital detox is going to a tourist destination that has minimal internet signal. Even though the location is hidden in a rural or remote area, this tourist spot usually has nature that is still preserved, Bro. So, you can enjoy the atmosphere at tourist attractions more freely and your digital detox activities will run smoothly.
Those are some tips that you can try during your digital detox trip. Interested in trying the trend traveling this, Superfriends? (arpd)